Trelis - Meshing software for FEA, CFD and more..
Trelis is csimsoft's next generation pre-processing and meshing software, based on the renowned Cubit platform. However, Trelis is more than just a rebranded Cubit: Trelis includes many extra features and capabilities that make it one of the most powerful and one of the fastest commercially licensed meshing tools available today.
Trelis is available in three versions:
- Trelis FEA: With meshing tools and boundary condition features for subsequent FEA analysis
- Trelis CFD: Trelis with embedded tools such as boundary layers, and boundary condition settings for CFD analysis by commercial codes (FLUENT) as well as open source CFD tools (OpenFOAM)
- Trelis PRO: For users who need a comprehensive pre-processing tool with both CFD and FEA meshing technologies.
Try out Trelis for yourself, and see why Trelis is one of the most advanced mesh generating tools around! Request a free 30 day trial today!
Please contact us for more information on Trelis' capabilities, licensing mechanisms and costs, support and training.