Software Partnerships

As part of a collaboration with FEMAG SA, Thaker Simulation Technologies now distributes FEMAGSoft's crystal growth simulation software. More information can be found in the Software section as well as at
Introducing... FEMAG software
FEMAG software models the crystal growth process using adaptively refined meshes and finite element methods. FEMAG family includes
- FEMAG CZ Transient simulation of crystal growth using the Czochralski process
- FEMAG TMF Transient Czochralski process in the presence of a magnetic field
- FEMAG DSS Steady state simulation (3D) of crystal growth using directional solidification
- FEMAG FZ Transient simulation of the floating zone method
- FEMAG HEM Heat Exchanger Method based growth of Sapphire crystals
Companies looking to optimize their crystal growth process, to grow larger size crystals as well as minimize the energy consumption will greatly benefit from the use of FEMAG simulation tools. TST, in collaboration with the parent software company FEMAGSoft, offers the full range of simulation tools along with training and backed with technical support in its use.
Please contact us to learn more.